BMP High speed doors
For any indoor and outdoor use
Achieve maximum environmental control and separation at the door opening with BMP High Speed Doors. The main function of a high speed door is to act as a barrier. High speed doors protect us from harm, save energy and help us to separate processes for optimal productivity. A high speed door's most important job is to simply open and close quickly and safely every time you need it.
BMP DYNAMICROLL® is a self-repairing roll up door designed to reach different kinds of applications, both internal and external. Thanks to the special sliding system, that lets the curtain, without rigid elements inside it, come out from the guides, to protect itself in case of any impact during the operation of the door and allows it to reinsert after one cycle.
DynamicRoll® FRIGO 2 is equipped with two separated curtains to create an insulated air space in closed position. It is ideal in freezer environment to separate environments with very high thermal conditions differences, as it prevents icing and condensation.